Eyeball FxZone: Photoshop tutorials and tips

Photoshop Tips : Using Guidelines

Fig. 1

The guidelines can be one of the most helpful features added in photoshop (version 4 and up). To activate the guidelines, you have to first activate the rulers (CTRL + R) then what you do is click on the ruler, then hold, then drag it into position.

Fig. 2

You can create different polygons or shapes like diamonds, triangles, etc. using the guidelines and the polygon lasso tool. Below is an example:

I've set up 3 guidelines with the distance of .75 inches. Then using the polygon lasso tool. I plotted on special intersections of the guidelines to follow a diamond pattern (fig. 2).

After the lasso tool has completed making the selection, I simply
fill the selection with the desired colored.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

More Tips for Guidelines

CTRL + ; will hide or show the guidelines.
• Use the move tool to move the guidelines around.
• Slide the guidelines back to rulers to remove them.
• Select a guideline using the move tool then press ALT + CLICK to change a vertical guideline to a horizontal guideline or vice-vera.
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