Eyeball FxZone: Photoshop tutorials and tips

Photoshop Tips : Selection tip

Loading a selection on the content of a layer is done by CTRL + CLICK on the layer thumbnail or by using the SELECT > LOAD SELECTION option but this method does not completely load a selection on the object as I did a little experiment with the following selection methods.

Figure 01

Using those methods can sometimes leave a few pixels out as I tested with this black text which I loaded a selection using the methods above and filling it with white(fig. 2). As you can see it left out a few pixels from the text and it never got filled so I ended up having a light black outline.
Figure 02

One alternative to loading a selection is to press CTRL + A then press 1 up arrow key then 1 down arrow key to load a selection on the layer. This method actually selects better then using the conventional methods.
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